What happened to the OG Queen of Indian beauty – Shahnaz Husain?

In 1971, armed with a modest loan of ₹35,000 and a vision to merge ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern aesthetics, Shahnaz Husain opened a small clinic in Delhi that would soon redefine beauty care across the globe. (Image: The CEO Magazine)

From a humble veranda to a global empire, the natural beauty pioneer continues to redefine wellness and entrepreneurship.

YouTube advertising revenue clocks $10.47 billion in Q4; Parent-firm Alphabet’s AI investments rise

CEO Neal Mohan confirmed that the service is now the most frequently used destination for listening to podcasts, marking a significant shift in the evolution of the medium.

The company reported slower revenue growth across several key segments, including its search business, YouTube advertising, and services division, when compared to the same period last year.

BREAKING: Prasar Bharati invites applications for MPEG-4 slots for HD channels

According to the revised e-auction methodology (by Prasar Bharati) for allotment of slots on DD Free Dish Platform 2025, the e-auction process for MPEG-4 slots will be held bucket-wise, one slot at a time.

The 86th online e-auction will tentatively be held from March 4, 2025 onwards. The last date of submission is February 25, 2025.