EXCLUSIVE: Advertising industry bodies AAAI, ISA to set guidelines to tackle ‘reverse auction’, unethical practices

As the advertising industry grapples with ethical challenges like reverse auctions and undercutting, the collaborative effort between AAAI and ISA represents a step toward much-needed reform.

As the advertising sector grapples with persistent ethical issues such as reverse auctions and undercutting, the growing collaboration between AAAI and ISA offers a potential turning point.

Ad Club Trivandrum officially launched; here’s what Ad veteran Prathap Suthan said

Adding to the significance of the occasion was the presence of advertising legend R. Balki.

The event also featured a media panel comprising industry veterans Varghese Chandy and Kamal Krishnan P.S., who shared their perspectives on the evolving landscape of regional advertising, the power of localized storytelling, and the future trajectory of the industry.

Acclaimed global creative leader Ari Weiss passes away at 46

Ari Weiss began his career at Cliff Freeman & Partners as a copywriter. Then he moved to BBDO New York as a creative director and then Wieden & Kennedy as a senior writer. Then, he joined Goodby, Silverstein & Partners as a creative director, and then moved to 180LA in a similar position.

Ari Weiss founded independent ad agency Quality Experience last year, and also held the position of a creative chairman.

RMG industry divided over Tamil Nadu’s online gaming regulations

TNOGA regulations will primarily impact pay-to-play games such as Rummy and Poker. Multiple RMG federations and operators are evaluating how to implement the TNOGA regulations.

The gaming federations will seek six months of time for the implementation while some RMG operators believe a formal lawsuit should be filed immediately, others are hesitant.

Bookstrapping: Of Sita, Rama, Dharma and Love

What if ‘Dharma’, was not just duty, but an alignment with the higher forces of love, that make the preservation of our world possible? Author Dena Merriam talks about this, in her book 'The Untold Story of Sita: An Empowering Tale for our Time'. (Image Source: Amazon)

In this week’s Bookstrapping, our reviewer Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta lists down five books which touch upon the unique love stories alive within the Ramayana and the bond that Rama and Sita shared.