TP Gopalan Nambiar, BPL founder passes away at 94

The company expanded its fold and included fridges, washing machines, video cassettes followed by other electronic devices, and by the 1990s, was hailed as a giant in India's electronic sector. (Image Source: X via Shashi Tharoor)

TP Gopalan Nambiar founded BPL in 1963 during the ‘License Raj’ era. Nambiar’s son Ajit Nambiar is currently heading as the chairman and chief executive officer of the consumer electronics company.

Bookstrapping: Alok Sama’s ‘The Money Trap’ and Benjamin Graham’s ‘The Intelligent Investor’

Warren Buffet has repeatedly credited Benjamin Graham with being his inspiration. Graham earned returns during the most difficult times including the Great Depression- he beat the market by an average of roughly 5 percentage points- between 1936 and 1956, highlights Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta. (Image source: Amazon)

The Intelligent Investors’ timeless grasp of investing is miles apart from The Money Traps’ world of espionage, threats, sharp suited lawyers and honey traps, highlights Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta in her review.