We are adopting a ‘best-fit’ approach with respect to AI: Unny Radhakrishnan, CEO, Digitas India

Unny Radhakrishnan says, "Our growth happens by way of new client acquisitions, new projects, and expansion of scope of work (with existing clients). Some of the new clients that came on board include Crocs, DET, Groupe Bayport, HMD (Nokia), Newell Brands, and a host of other companies."

Unny Radhakrishnan says that frontier realms like digital require upskilling of the workforce. To that end, Digitas, as well as the Publicis Groupe, invests significantly on learning and development so that the talent can adapt to the dynamic requirements of the digital marketing landscape.

Tinder releases 2024’s first brand film for India – You Up

Crafted through the eyes of a young woman, the brand film's narrative highlights the diverse dating adventures she encounters when using the Tinder app and explores who and how she likes to date.

Young 18-25 year old singles, who make up more than half of Tinder globally, nowadays are ditching the pressure of rushing to a “happily ever after” and are Not Attached To Outcomes (aka N.A.T.O), a dating trend revealed by Tinder’s Year in Swipe 2023.

Job scams in adland continue: Havas India calls for caution

Havas issues a statement on social media stating, “Our hiring processes adhere strictly to authorized channels, and we advise the public to exercise due diligence.” (Representative Image: Sander Sammy via Unsplash)

Scammers posing as HR representatives from Havas India are extending job offers via emails, social media and WhatsApp for money.

Hero Motocorp launches #LiveTheLegend campaign for its bike brand Karizma XMR

L&K Saatchi & Saatchi and its digital arm, Saatchi & Saatchi Propagate, also created the buzz campaign. The buzz campaign featured Roshan and Rannvijay Singha, the two names who had been closely associated with the brand in its glory days. (Still from the ad)

The launch film honours the bike’s illustrious history and is an ode to the iconicity of the brand which captured the imagination of an entire generation.

From setting up transparent programmatic ecosystem to branding brands on OTT, here are top ad trends of 2024

In the unfolding narrative of 2024, sustainability is positioned to take a prominent role. Consumer environmental consciousness propels a preference for brands committed to sustainability, carbon emission reduction, and ethical trade practices. (Representational image via Unsplash)

As marketers are increasingly realising the need for comprehensive insights to drive return on investment, media agency heads think holistic measurement will also emerge as a key imperative in 2024.

Cultural advertising and marketing will go to a different level in the next couple of years, says Himanshu Arora of Social Panga

Himanshu Arora, co-founder, Social Panga, said, "Historically, people used to have public viewing on television. Then they moved to having a television in their homes. Now every mobile phone is a different content-creating platform. Subcultures play a very important role out there."

The co-founder of the creative marketing and advertising agency touched upon key achievements in the year gone by, advertising trends that will grab the spotlight in 2024, and a lot more.

Storyboard18 Exclusive Confirmed: Amitesh Rao joins Leo Burnett as South Asia CEO

Amitesh Rao will report into Anupriya Acharya, CEO Publicis Groupe South Asia and will work closely with Rajdeepak Das, chief creative officer, Publicis Groupe India and chairman, Leo Burnett South Asia.

Storyboard18 first broke the news of Amitesh Rao joining Leo Burnett on November 28, 2023, after the exit of former CEO Dheeraj Sinha.

Talent needs a lot of training on how to use CGI: Famous Studios’ Anant Roongta

There was another reason to be associated with the IPL. According to Roongta, the shoe has the stamp of One8, a sportswear brand owned by cricketer Virat Kohli. (Representative images by Norwood Themes via Unsplash)

The managing director of Famous Studios said that if Computer-Generated Imagery is not used in the right way, one can end up losing a lot of money.