“Impossible Dream”: Why Wieden+Kennedy couldn’t ‘just do it’ in India

Experts say the lack of good leadership over the last few years at Weiden + Kennedy (India) led to the downgrading of creative work and large-scale clients, eventually impacting its margins and closing down its shutter.

From some calling it an insignificant development to many seeing it as long time coming, Wieden + Kennedy’s shutdown in India has industry watchers mulling over what could have saved the iconic global indie agency.

Dentsu’s Focus: Clients, talent, growth, and capability building

Effectiveness is a really big thing that clients are asking us for. Media's actually got onto the boardroom table. And so what a lot of our clients are asking for is business intelligence. How are my media dollars really driving my business impact so they can take it to the board?, stated Amanda Morrissey. (From left to right: Prerna Mehrotra, Amanda Morrissey, Shenda Loughnane and Anita Kotwani)

Dentsu’s global leadership, represented by Amanda Morrissey and Shenda Loughnane, were visiting India. Morrissey, global president of iProspect, the digital wing of the advertising major, and chief growth officer, media, Dentsu, outlined the pillars that have shaped their trajectory this year: a focus on clients, talent development, growth and capability building.

Volkswagen defined by 3 words — responsible, valuable, innovative: Rahul Mathew, DDB Mudra Group

Rahul Mathew, chief creative officer, DDB Mudra Group, stated, "In the decade after the launch, we used the momentum to continue building the brand in India. ‘Innovation’ and ‘German engineering’ remained our key pillars, but we also narrowed down on the human lens of innovation and engineering focussed on the human aspect. Unlike the market, which was stuck on bells and whistles, we focussed on what made a car truly great. What made a car a Volkswagen. Our campaigns spoke about what makes Volkswagen safer, more solid, and more enjoyable for the people driving them." (Image source: VW - Unsplash)

Rahul Mathew, CCO, DDB Mudra Group, in a conversation with Storyboard18, touched upon the advertising journey of Volkswagen since its arrival on Indian shores.

IdeateLab reboots to become “The Outcome People”

IdeateLab starts at the Business Objective level, not just Marketing or Communication objective. And identifies the role it can play to make a visible and sustained difference to the clients’ business through its CEO (Creative & Consult, Engage & Execute, Optimise & Operate) framework.

To reflect the new thinking and focus, the company has refreshed its identity and digital assets. IdeateLabs becomes IdeateLab, and dawns a new logo.

Dentsu expands business transformation (BX) services globally to support client transformation

Business transformation (business strategy, new business development, sales transformation, marketing transformation), corporate transformation (corporate culture transformation, human resources and organizational transformation), sustainability strategy. (Image source: Facebook)

The global team consists of more than 400 consultants in locations around the world, delivering services including business strategy, sales transformation, culture transformation and sustainability strategy.