The brand also launched an IPL special campaign last month. The ‘Team Se Bada Kuch Nahi’ campaign for IPL 2024, featured a long line of celebrities from Rohit Sharma to Preity Zinta, to Samantha Prabhu, Supriya Pathak, KL Rahul, Sanju Samson and Suneil Shetty.
Category: Brand Marketing
D2C brand A47 raises funds from angel investor Aditya Pittie
Owned by India’s brand licensing and IP management company, Black White Orange, was bootstrapped for the initial 2.5 years after having launched with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) on August 15th, 2021.
Asian Paints gets Virat Kohli as brand ambassador for Neo Bharat Latex Paint
These “colours of progress”, as is the tag line for Neo Bharat, are an ode to the millions of Indians who are in pursuit of a better life, and Asian Paints aims to partner with them in their journey, highlighted the company.
Gen AI will increase marketing productivity more than 40 percent by 2029: IDC report
In the next five years, GenAI will advance to the point where it will handle more than 40 percent of the work of specific marketing roles, say IDC experts.
IPL 2024 viewership soars, sponsors take note
The viewership boom is attracting new sponsors, with the total count jumping from 30 to nearly 35 in just two weeks.
Iconic Indian logos and their creative visionaries
From Nargis Wadia, who designed Air India’s iconic mascot ‘The Turbaned and Mustachioed Maharaja’ in 1955, to RK Joshi, who created the symbol of Punjab National Bank (PNB) in 1984, India boasts a rich history of logo designers who have significantly influenced the visual landscape of the nation.
Rebel Foods’ Behrouz Biryani levels up with Saif Ali Khan, targets 20 percent growth with premium and digital push
Rebel Foods is reimagining brand building with a new brand ambassador, data and organic content. The Biryani brands is also eyeing catering business and growth in the south Indian market with tailored menu and communication.
Kangana Ranaut: The controversial queen of Bollywood turned politician
Let’s dive into the top 4 controversies that have defined the actor-turned-politician’s tumultuous journey in the film industry.
Cricket gaming startup partners with cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle
Hitwicket aims to leverage Harsha Bhogle’s cricketing expertise to co-create unique gaming experiences for cricket fans around the world.
EaseMyTrip partners with Rajasthan Royals as Official Travel and Experience Partner
As part of the tie-up, the Royals will be seen endorsing the value-add being brought to the franchise through EaseMyTrip’s travel bookings services. The partnership will come to life in the form of engaging and entertaining pieces of digital content – something that the Royals are renowned for.