Explained: What TDS on freebies for social media influencers and doctors means for brands

Among 16 to 24-year-olds daily Snapchatters, nearly 78 percent do not use X (Twitter), 55 percent are not on Facebook and 25 percent do not use YouTube every day. (Representational Image via Unsplash)

TDS of 10% would be applied on freebies or benefits or perquisites received by social media influencers and doctors, if the freebies are retained.

Stacks & Strategies | Privacy Compliant Personalisation

The three-way relationship between brands, platforms and consumers is the most critical part to understand in digital marketing today. (Representational image via Unsplash)

While data owners and processors are making significant investments towards technologies that help them get data, very little is being done by them today that mitigates risks while using it.

Bookstrapping: The Ambuja Story – How a Group of Ordinary Men Created an Extraordinary Company

Narotam Sekhsaria is chairman of ACC Ltd, Ambuja Cements Ltd, and Ambuja Cement Foundation. He also manages the Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, a philanthropic funding agency. (Photo credit: moneycontrol.com)

A highly decorated biography, this book also features testimonials from India’s stalwarts. The man and the book have both cemented their presence. Bookstrapping rating: 3.5.

Stacks & Strategies | Customer experience is everything! Getting it right is imperative

To consistently earn high ratings from users, brands must examine what drives customer experience (CX) in its entirety. (Representative image via Unsplash)

There is a huge difference between value and worth, and customer experience (CX) is one such element that can make a significant difference. Today with a wide range of available options for any type of product or service, it is CX that makes a brand shine or fade amidst stiff competition. With customer behaviour and… Continue reading Stacks & Strategies | Customer experience is everything! Getting it right is imperative

Stacks & Strategies | Adtech Trends To Watch For

One of the trends that agencies have begun to see is the return of impersonalisation – turning to strategies and creatives that speak to the common category of potential consumer pools. (Representative Image via Unsplash)

From Web 3.0 and the metaverse to data enrichment of consumers, experts decode trends that will dominate the adtech space in 2022.