Puma’s Shreya Sachdev on Anushka Sharma launch campaign, leveraging Virat-Anushka as power couple and more

Shrey Sachdev says, "While we officially on-boarded Anushka this week, the PUMA and Anushka partnership goes way back. Anushka loves PUMA and has worn it time and again over the years, and PUMA too has always resonated with what Anushka stands for. As the brand, PUMA built Propah Lady - a platform that celebrates fierce and unapologetic women. Anushka is the perfect embodiment of Propah Lady. She is known for charting her own path across spheres in life and without worrying about what the world thinks."

Sachdev, head of marketing, PUMA Group talks about the campaign planning, leveraging Virat-Anushka and whether such marketing gimmicks backfire.

Diageo India CEO Hina Nagarajan: Consumers are not necessarily drinking more, but they are drinking better

She also shared that living her purpose has defined the way she brings her best self to work. This is a formula for success she said. It’s how you deliver a win-win situation.

There’s been a structural shift in consumer choices and behavior over the last few years. Consumers are drinking better, they are living in the physical and the digital world now and really experimenting, said Hina Nagarajan, MD and CEO of Diageo India. In an exclusive interview with Storyboard18’s editor Delshad Irani, Nagarajan shared her views on the alcobev major’s premiumisation and M&A strategies, key consumer trends, advertising, women in leadership, ESG agenda and more.

Pepsi’s Saumya Rathor: We are building our muscle in the NFT space

Saumya Rathor says, "The collection is done by HUEMN, and we have a few pieces within that collection and it will have the Pepsi logo. It's essentially streetwear. Pepsi, as a brand, is all about really expressing. So, our collaboration is also in the lines that it should be easily accessible for the youth and easily wearable for the youth. And that's the reason why we've selected this particular label, because they live by those ethos."

Saumya Rathor, category lead, Pepsi Cola, PepsiCo India, talks about why the brand is building its muscles in the Web 3.0, NFT and metaverse spaces.

BYJU’s, FIFA World Cup and Messi: Divya Gokulnath on the moment Byju’s signed Lionel Messi as brand ambassador

The long-term engagement, which began as Lionel Messi embarked on his final campaign to win the FIFA World Cup 2022 as captain of Argentina’s national football team, was to see him feature in campaigns promoting Byju’s Education For All, Storyboard18 reported.

Calling founder Raveendran Byju’s words “prophetic”, co-founder Divya Gokulnath shared what happened in the moment Byju’s signed Lionel Messi as global brand ambassador for Education for All.

Puma-Anushka Sharma fake stunt: Are brands taking marketing gimmicks too far?

Puma, Monster (now Foundit) and Vim (owned by HUL) have recently used the device of fake stunts and staged drama online to get attention. The reactions are a mixed bag. (Representational image via Unsplash)

Brands are latching on to the trend of first fooling users and then revealing their actual intent. Some call it ‘shockvertising’ or simply an attempt to garner eyeballs in a highly distracted digital world.

IPL becomes Decacorn, valuation jumps 75 percent to $10.9 billion in 2022: Report

With two new teams (Gujarat Titans and Lucknow SuperGiants) getting bought last year at a combined staggering value of $1.6 billion, the average price tag of a team has seen a 16-fold jump from its inception. These two factors were instrumental in boosting the valuation of IPL to become a Decacorn and the second largest sporting league (on a per match basis from broadcasting fees) globally. (Representative Image via Unsplash)

At $6.2 billion, IPL has recorded a three-fold jump in its broadcasting deal since 2017, contributing to the rise in the overall valuation.

Bookstrapping: In conversation with Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Unstoppable Us

Yuval Noah Harari's key themes have been that society has largely been driven by our species’s capacity to believe in ‘fictions’ - that exist in our collective imaginations. In this two-part interview series, we focus on storytelling for parents and storytelling for the C-suite.

Author of bestselling books like Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari shares his views on everything from smartphones to social media to sugar, in this two-part special series of Storyboard18’s Bookstrapping.