Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed condolences to the Nariman family.”Shri Fali Nariman Ji was among the most outstanding legal minds and intellectuals,” the PM wrote on X.
Month: February 2024
Legendary radio presenter Ameen Sayani passes away
Sayani’s illustrious career spanned over six decades, during which he produced and presented an array of over 54,000 radio programs.
Beyond Fair and Handsome: Exploring Emami’s diverse brand portfolio and controversies
Emami, an Indian FMCG leader, balances acclaimed campaigns like Zandu Balm with controversies surrounding fairness cream ads.
The reports and rumours pertaining to accounting issues in the Company are incorrect and false: ZEE
As per Bloomberg reports, SEBI has discovered a discrepancy of over $240 million in the accounts of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd.
Zee-Sony Saga: Can the terminated merger be revived? Or is it reopening Pandora’s box?
Reports of a revival of merger talks between Zee and Sony prompted the former to issue a clarification that Zee was “not involved in any negotiations”. Now SEBI has unearthed fresh monetary discrepancies in ZEE’s dealings.
‘Classless’, ‘below-the-belt’: Why Pine Labs jab at Paytm didn’t go down well
Netizens showed mixed reactions to Pine Labs’ ad which attacked Paytm.
Turkey’s Zen Diamond to enter the Indian market
The Turkish diamond jewellery brand plans to launch chain stores in key cities across India.
FM Radio ad revenue jumps 26 percent in 2022-23 to touch Rs 1547.13 crore: TRAI
The reported advertisement revenues by the private FM Radio broadcasters have 3 3 increased from Rs 1227.15 crore in the year 2021-22 to Rs 1547.13 crore in the year 2022-23.
Television revenue in India dropped from Rs 72,000 crore to Rs 70,900 crore in 2022: TRAI
These numbers suggest a shift in consumer behaviour and potential opportunities for ad-supported models in the Indian television landscape.
Swiggy appoints Abhishek Shetty as marketing lead – Swiggy Instamart and Pvt Brands
Abhishek Shetty was the chief marketing officer at Stader Labs.