Diageo’s Vikram Damodaran on sharing the spotlight with wife Vijayalakshmi Damodaran

When asked how his wife inspires him, Vikram said, "Vijayalakshmi inspires me greatly. She is the foundation of my life, and our two children are successful startups that she runs independently. She keeps me grounded and is a true superhero."

Vikram Damodaran, Chief Innovation Officer, DIAGEO India, shared the spotlight with Vijayalakshmi Damodaran, Chief Operating Officer of Cognizant’s Cloud & Infra Business.

Cuffe Parade residents oppose illegal and digital hoardings | Philips appoints Bharath Sesha as MD

Cuffe Parade has numerous banners and billboards installed, which allegedly distract motorists. The road medians are covered with multiple banners, causing visual obstruction and defacing the city streets. (Image source: Unsplash)

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Global CMO of Infosys highlights economic and social benefits of bridging gender gaps

Joined by Manisha Saboo, Kisha Gupta, and Preethu Karen - key figures in Infosys' ecosystem - Virmani highlighted the significant economic and social benefits of bridging gender gaps in employment.

At Storyboard18’s Share The Spotlight, Sumit Virmani, EVP and Global CMO, at Infosys, shared the stage with Manisha Saboo, Vice President and Head of Infosys Foundation and Campus Head, Kisha Gupta – Senior Director of Corporate Marketing and Global Head of Academic Relations, and Preethu Karen – Lead Business Partner HR.