Tata AIA’s ‘Karlo Shaadi Ki Poori Taiyaari’ campaign blends wedding excitement with financial planning

The company aim's to ensure that India and Bharat understand the need of life insurance and invest adequately to protect what matters to them the most.

Post its newly launched brand positioning ‘Har Waqt Ke Liye Taiyaar’ (prepared for all situations), Tata AIA has changed the way it communicates with consumers, using innovative humour and emotion to connect with consumers across life stages.

EMotorad launches new campaign with MS Dhoni

The brand wanted to bring the same meme to life, but this time, getting Dhoni to sing the song while educating customers about their e-cycles. A huge win for the internet.

The video is an ode to the meme that went viral in 2019, leaving Mahi fans in splits that featured a Mahi look-alike grooving to Bole jo Koyal.

Duolingo’s new campaign #EnglishMeinNahiJamta celebrates linguistic diversity

Delving deeper into India’s linguistic irritations, the survey revealed that 55% of Indians have either committed or come across the incorrect use of common homophones like 'your/you're,' 'their/there/they're,' using 'anyways' instead of 'anyway,' or the perennial 'who/whom' confusion. (Representative Image: Surendran MP via Unsplash)(Representative Image: Surendran MP via Unsplash)

68 percent urban Indians agree that there are certain phrases or words in a language that convey nuanced meanings which cannot be fully translated or expressed in English.