Tata Group’s premium handbag brand, IRTH, has handed over its creative mandate to Kondurkar Studio. The House Titan brand’s combined accessories division aims to achieve revenue of ₹1,000 crore by 2027, capturing one-third of the market.
Kondurkar Studio, the creative agency in June this year was embroiled in a controversy between ad agency Wieden+Kennedy and Jindal Steel and Power on sharing idea credits after the company’s ad film ‘The Steel of India’ which won two Lions at the ongoing Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in the Film Craft category.
W+K took Jindal Steel and Power to court over an intellectual property dispute over the award-winning ad film. Kondurkar Studio had refuted all allegations and received a relief from Delhi High Court.
Amrish Kondurkar, Founder and Creative Director, Kondurkar Studio confirmed the development to Storyboard18 and said, “We are working on multiple campaigns for IRTH.”
A source close to the development said, “There are multiple campaigns in the pipeline which will enhance the brand reach among the audience. The brand’s creative campaigns has been successfully leaving a mark among the audience.”
IRTH, pronounced as “Arth” (meaning), is planning an aggressive expansion across India with exclusive brand outlets. Currently, the brand operates in over 50 cities through 130 large-format stores, including Shopper’s Stop and Lifestyle, and has built a customer base of over 90,000 through its online and offline channels. To further accelerate growth, the company plans to adopt a franchise model for expansion.
Manish Gupta, CEO of the Fragrances and Fashion Accessories Division at Titan Company, stated that IRTH is targeting significant retail growth, with plans to open 10 stores this year as part of its first phase. The rollout includes two stores in Mumbai, two in Pune, one in Delhi, one in Kolkata, and one in Chennai. These exclusive brand outlets (EBOs) are expected to contribute 15–20% of overall sales by March 2025.
IRTH aims to achieve a topline target of approximately ₹600 crore, while the combined accessories division remains on track to reach ₹1,000 crore in revenue by 2027. For its EBOs, the brand has curated a collection of over 90 products across categories and is introducing a new line of genuine leather bags.