Simply Speaking (from the FIFA World Cup 2022): Copo Del Mundo – Qatar emerges the winner

"As a marketer, I saw an end-to-end attention to detail, focus and singularity of intent. They followed the dictum – do well that which matters to your customers - to near perfection," writes Shubhranshu Singh in this week's Simply Speaking. (Image source - Twitter @LSPNFC_)

Musings on the FIFA World Cup 2022, Qatar, controversies and the David versus Goliath narratives which played out on and off the pitch.

Bookstrapping: In conversation with Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Unstoppable Us

Yuval Noah Harari's key themes have been that society has largely been driven by our species’s capacity to believe in ‘fictions’ - that exist in our collective imaginations. In this two-part interview series, we focus on storytelling for parents and storytelling for the C-suite.

Author of bestselling books like Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari shares his views on everything from smartphones to social media to sugar, in this two-part special series of Storyboard18’s Bookstrapping.

Weekly Shorts: How brands are using hybrid models for influencer collaboration

A long-term influencer and affiliate hybrid campaign gives creators the opportunity to boost impressions, engagement and sales. Followers continue to engage with brands’ posts over a period of time and move through the customer journey with special or discounted affiliate codes. (Representative image via Unsplash)

What’s buzzing in influencer marketing and the creator ecosystem? What’s the next big thing coming down the line? Catch the big trends and hot topics in our weekly shorts.