The Maha Kumbh, a massive spiritual event held every 12 years, showcases India’s rich cultural and religious diversity. The 2025 gathering in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, is expected to welcome millions of pilgrims from across the country, many of whom speak different languages. To help overcome language barriers, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) is introducing ‘Bhashini,’ an innovative project under the Digital India programme, according to a statement from the Ministry of Culture.
“Bhashini will offer multilingual support in 11 Indian languages, making it easier for people to share and access information at this historic event,” the statement said.
Bhashini (BHASha INterface for India) is a game-changing initiative designed to make digital services and content accessible to people across India’s many languages. It is part of the National Language Translation Mission (NLTM) and uses advanced AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to bridge the language gap. Run by the Digital India Bhashini Division, the initiative promotes inclusivity and innovation as part of the Digital India programme.
Earlier, on occasion of the Maha Kumbh, an interactive AI chatbot called Kumbh Sah’AI’yak was also launched. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also unveiled the Kumbh Sah’AI’yak AI chatbot, designed to assist pilgrims at the 2025 Maha Kumbh. Supporting multiple languages, this chatbot offers event information, travel guidance, and personalised help. Developed by the Prayagraj Mela Authority and UPDESCO, it is accessible via a mobile app, website, and WhatsApp, improving the overall experience for devotees.
Read: Kumbh 2025: Technology meets tradition with the ‘Kumbh Sah’AI’yak’ App and AI chatbot
Read: Maha Kumbh 2025: FM radio channel Kumbhvani will provide 17 hours of daily programming