Jay Shah, the recently appointed chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC), is expected to attend the special general meeting (SGM) of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in Mumbai on Sunday, as a “special invitee.”
According to The Telegraph, the SGM, convened to elect the new secretary and treasurer of the BCCI, will see Assam’s Devajit Saikia assume the secretary role, and Prabhtej Singh from the Chhattisgarh State Cricket Association take over as treasurer unopposed.
This transition comes after Ashish Shelar vacated the treasurer position upon his induction into the Maharashtra cabinet as a minister.
Saikia, who was recently appointed interim secretary by BCCI president roger Binny under special constitutional powers, will formally take charge at the meeting.
Shah’s presence as ICC chairman marks a significant moment. Sources cited in the report confirm that Shah’s participation aligns with a precedent set by former ICC chairman N. Srinivasan, who attended BCCI meetings during his tenure in 2014-2015.
While ICC rules prohibit formal association of the chairperson with member associations, the BCCI’s constitution lacks explicit restrictions, allowing Shah to attend. Shah is also expected to be felicitated during the meeting for his elevation to the ICC chairmanship.
Amid the procedural transitions, a petition challenging the tenure of BCCI vice-president Rajeev Shukla could stir controversy. The petition, submitted to the electoral officer, alleges that Shukla’s cumulative tenure exceeds the nine-year limit prescribed by the Supreme Court.
The SGM may also address Team India’s recent performance in Australia, though it remains uncertain whether formal interactions with the support staff and selection committee will take place.
Meanwhile, the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) will be represented by president Snehasish Ganguly, albeit without voting rights, as the association failed to submit his name by the stipulated deadline.