Naiyya Saggi, who leads The Good Glamm Group as group co-founder, has been appointed by Tanla Platforms as independent director. The Board comprises of founder chairman Uday Reddy, chief business officer Deepak Goyal and industry veterans Dr. RS Sharma , Sanjay Kapoor, Francois Ortalo-Magne and Rahul Khanna.
Saggi began her career at International Bar Association and then joined McKinsey & Company as a business analyst. From there, she moved to The Bridgespan Group as a consultant. Also serving as an independent director at Welspun World, Saggi went on to found BabyChakra, where she was responsible for product, brand development and outreach.
In 2021, BabyChakra and My Glamm, a D2C beauty company selling whose co-founder and president she is. Here, Saggi is responsible for leading the Mom-Child vertical with BabyChakra at the core, and also for building out Product & Data backed Virtual Communities across the Group’s platfoms.
The Good Glamm Group was established in 2021, and BabyChakra and MyGlamm and POPxo rebranded as a single entity.
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