Sony Pictures Network India (SPNI) appoints Rajaraman S as head of content strategy. Previously, he held the position of head – office of country manager, India at Disney Star.
Rajaraman began his career as an industrial trainee at Citibank, and then worked as a manager at Hari & Easwaran CAs. Then, he moved to Vijay Television as senior manager – finance, and then he moved to Star TV Network as assistant vice president – finance. NDTV Imagine named him as the vice president – finance, and then he joined Hathway Cable & Datacom as chief operating officer – video business.
Rajaraman joined Asianet STAR Communications as executive vice president – strategy, and then The Walt Disney Company as the business head of Asianet. In this position, Rajaraman was also responsible for driving the content and communication strategy.
Read More: All about Ravi Ahuja, the new global President and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment