Sunil, who led Prasar Bharati as additional director general, has been elected as the president of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE). This is for the term 2024-2025. In his new role, and as highlighted by a report, he is committed to furthering the objectives of IETE, driving innovation, and enhancing the Institution’s impact in the field of electronics and telecommunication engineering.
Sunil, whose experience in broadcasting spans for more than three decades, has worked in All India Radio’s and Doordarshan’s divisions such as technology, global outreach, marketing, distribution, central archives, and external services division.
He is credited with the planning and implementation of India’s first Direct-to-Home (DTH) platform and the integration of private broadcasters through auctions, achieving a record reach of 40 million homes with DD Freedish signals, stated a media report.
Read More: Former Prasar Bharati CEO Shashi Shekhar Vempati joins BARC board