Havas India has announced the appointment of Manas Lahiri as chief growth officer. In this newly created role, Lahiri will be working closely with the executive leadership team of Havas India, driving strategic growth initiatives, enhancing client partnerships, and spearheading innovative business opportunities across Havas India’s ecosystem of 25 agencies across the country. He will be based in Mumbai, and report to Rana Barua, group chief executive officer, Havas India, SEA, and North Asia (Japan & South Korea).
This marks Lahiri’s second innings with Havas India, having previously served multiple roles between 2018 to 2023, including Managing Director of Havas Creative India (erstwhile Havas Worldwide India). Most recently, he was the executive growth partner at VML India, where he played a pivotal role in expanding the agency’s presence and acquiring many key accounts, stated the company in a statement.
Barua said, “Manas’ return to Havas India comes at a crucial time as we continue our strong momentum as a proven integrated and future-facing network. With Havas India’s phenomenal transformation over the past few years, we needed a proven leader to scale our growth ambitions further. Manas’ strategic acumen, extensive industry experience, and deep understanding of our network’s values make him the ideal choice to take on this role. He will also be pivotal in advancing our Converged strategy, working closely with Sanchita Roy and John Thangaraj – our respective Chief Strategy Officers of the media & creative networks.”
Speaking about his appointment, Lahiri said, “I am thrilled to rejoin Havas India at such an exciting juncture. Havas has always been close to my heart, and the network’s journey of transformation into a consolidated, client-centric ecosystem is truly inspiring. I look forward to contributing to this next phase of growth by driving meaningful partnerships, fostering innovation, and building on the strong foundation created by Rana and the team. I look forward to partnering all the fabulous leaders in this journey.”
Lahiri, who holds an MBA from Bangalore University, brings over two decades of diverse experience across advertising, brand marketing, and business leadership. He has held senior roles in agencies such as VML India, Ogilvy, McCann, and Contract India, and has worked with marquee brands including Samsung, Lenovo, Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Reckitt.
He started his career on the client’s side, working with brands like Motorola & Samsung in sales & marketing, before moving to advertising. During his previous tenure as managing director at Havas Creative India, he played a pivotal role in reshaping the agency, driving key business wins, and strengthening client relationships, further added the company in a statement. His expertise lies in fostering growth strategies, building high-performing teams, and delivering integrated solutions that drive tangible results.
Read More: VML elevates Manas Lahiri as executive growth partner, India