India’s legendary cricketers have outshone A-list Hindi film industry actors in brand value in 2024. According to a report by Hansa Research, Virat Kohli, MS Dhoni, and Sachin Tendulkar have continued to hold their popularity with audiences, ranking as top celebrities across age and gender categories in the Brand Endorser 2024 Report.
According to the data shared by the consumer insights company, brands spent Rs 500 crore on celebrity endorsements, with choices largely driven by popularity and category fit. Among the list of sportsperson and glitzy and glamourous celebrities, Indian skipper Virat Kohli took the No.1 spot, followed by MS Dhoni in second place and Sachin Tendulkar in third. These cricket legends have outperformed some of the biggest names in Bollywood, including Shah Rukh Khan (4th), Akshay Kumar (5th), Amitabh Bachchan (6th), and Salman Khan (8th).
According to the Brand Endorser Report 2024, Kohli took the top spot due to his high ranking in parameters such as likeability, popularity, and consumer interest in seeing him endorse products shortly.
The report revealed that Deepika Padukone is the only female celebrity to feature in the top 10, securing the 10th spot. Notably, Amitabh Bachchan has dropped four places over the last two years, ranking 6th in 2024 compared to 2nd in 2022. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun, the only South Indian representative in the top 10, made a significant leap, rising from 16th place in 2022 to 7th in 2024.
Commenting on the findings, Ashish Karnad, Executive Vice President, Hansa Research said, “What sets cricketers apart from other celebrities is their unique ability to connect with audiences on both emotional and aspirational levels. Whether it’s the nostalgia tied to legends like Sachin Tendulkar or the electrifying energy of stars like Virat Kohli and M.S. Dhoni, their hard work and perseverance have earned them admiration. Seen as real-life heroes who have risen from humble backgrounds to make their country proud, they have emerged as dominant brand endorsers, highly preferred by brands to communicate their messages and inspire trust among diverse audiences”.