Tushar Giri Nath, chief commissioner of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike (BBMP), has instructed officials to take strict action against unauthorised advertisements which are across BBMP limits. A media report states that he has directed the officials to file a FIR against those who were responsible for installing illegal advertisements in the Bengaluru city.
Earlier, the BBMP had also urged citizens to extend help to BBMP in identifying illegal hoardings by sending photographs 9480683939 or calling the helpline at 1533, further added the report.
In May, 2024, two big hoardings crashed down amid the rains in the Anekal area of Bengaluru. One of the banners was more than 200 sq. ft. in size. Another advertisement board fell on a parked car, and the vehicle got damaged completely.
During the incident, locals pointed out that illegal hoardings on buildings and medians of roads are ubiquitous and have become a big money-making business backed by political clout in the area. In April itself, five such hoardings had come crashing down amid the rains.
Aggrieved residents approached many authorities over the last couple of years regarding illegal hoardings and billboards but there had been no respite. They had also approached the Chief Secretary of Karnataka but to no avail. According to them, the hoarding mafia charged more than Rs 2 lakh on monthly rental. Back in 2016, a report showed that, in Bengaluru alone, out of over 6000 hoardings 4000 were found to be illegal.
Read More: Illegal ad hoardings – deadly threat to people’s lives and property