‘Passion, not long hours, drives productivity’: Zoho CEO Mani Vembu

Mani Vembu, who has been known as a mentor within Zoho, said a leader is someone who prioritizes strengths over rigid structures.

  • Storyboard18,
| March 6, 2025 , 1:42 pm
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Amid the work-life balance debate, Chief Executive Officer of Zoho founder Mani Vembu has said that productivity can be ensured without imposing a long working-hour schedule. In an interview with Moneycontrol, Vembu said if someone is truly passionate about their work, and has knowledge about the industry then work will happen naturally.

“Passion and purpose drive people. Some will act as anchors, finding new paths while others will follow,” he added.

Mani Vembu became the CEO of Zoho after the company’s founder Sridhar Vembu stepped down from his position and shifted his focus to research and rural initiatives. Currently, Sridhar is the chief scientist in the company.

Mani Vembu, who has been known as a mentor within Zoho, said a leader is someone who prioritizes strengths over rigid structures.

He told Moneycontrol, “I believe in giving people freedom. Everyone has their own natural talents and interests and interests and I let people find them and focus on those rather than trying, to fix their weaknesses”.

On the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, Vembu said it will create new job roles, just like social media and the internet ushered in new careers for people.

He said his company is focused on ways to raise productivity, leveraging AI and new technologies.

“With AI and other technologies, we are now looking at opportunities to increase the productivity of our existing workforce and with the platform direction, most of the layers are common,” he added.

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