The Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw during the Questions Hour session on Wednesday said that there is a need to make existing laws more stringent to curb vulgar content on social media platforms. He replied to the questions asked by Lok Sabha member Arun Govil during question hour in LS regarding laws to check abusive content.
In the Lok Sabha, the Information and Broadcasting Minister said the Parliamentary Standing Committee should take up the issue and also called for a consensus to frame more strict laws in this regard.
“Earlier, there were editorial checks and it was decided whether something was right or wrong but those checks have ended. Today, social media is a platform for freedom of press but it is uncontrolled and there is vulgar content”, Vaishnaw said during the Question Hour.
Ashwini Vaishnaw said, “There is a lot of difference between the culture of our country and the countries from where these social media platforms have come. So I would like the Standing Committee of the Parliament to take up this issue and strict laws are made regarding the same.
There is a need to make existing laws more stringent laws to curb vulgar content on social media platforms, Vaishnaw said.
He was responding to questions by BJP member Arun Govil about existing mechanisms to check telecast of vulgar and sex-related content through social media platforms illegally and whether the government proposes to make the existing laws more stringent keeping in view the fact that the said laws are not much effective to stop misuse of these platforms.