Broadcasters chart action plan | Disney Star trains Dubai Police | Noel Tata appointed Chairman of Tata Trusts

Majority of the broadcasters and the members of the Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation (IBDF) oppose the TRAI's regulation requiring broadcasters to provide free channels on DD Free Dish to private distribution platform operators (DPOs).

Storyboard18 brings you top five news updates from the world of advertising, marketing and business of brands.

TN Govt’s strong message to RMG industry | Kaya’s Group CEO Rajiv Nair resigns

N. Muruganandam, Chief Secretary of the Tamil Nadu government, had hinted at banning certain games and noted that online gaming addiction among children has grown, leading to harmful effects. Including esports in the CM's trophy clearly showcases Tamil Nadu government's plan to restrict pay to play games in the state.

Storyboard18 brings you top five news updates from the world of advertising, marketing and business of brands.

Manish Tiwari to be Nestle India’s MD | AAAI re-elects Prasanth Kumar as President; Rana Barua becomes Vice President

Manish Tiwary has been nominated to take over as the Managing Director of Nestlé India Limited with effect from 1st August 2025. The proposal is subject to necessary approvals, the company has said in an exchange filing.

Storyboard18 brings you top five news updates from the world of advertising, marketing and business of brands.

EssenceMediacom’s festive strategy, Tata Capital’s new campaign & TCS tops BrandZ 2024

During festive seasons, the primary objective is to boost sales by enhancing consumer consideration. To achieve this goal, a multi-faceted approach leveraging various media channels is essential. While traditional mass mediums such as television remain influential, digital platforms will continue to play a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and driving consideration.

In the latest episode of Storyboard18, EssenceMediacom’s CEO, Navin Khemka, discussed the agency’s growth and festive season outlook. The episode also highlighted Tata Capital’s new campaign and Kantar’s BrandZ 2024 report, naming TCS as India’s most valuable brand.

StarQuik not in Q-commerce rat race | The Advertising Club re-elects Rana Barua as President

StarQuik was initially launched in Gurgaon in 2014 as GrocerMax by K. Radhakrishnan and Gaurav Juneja. It came under Tata’s aegis in 2017 when Tata Group sought to enter the e-grocery space. Shortly after, GrocerMax shut down in Gurgaon and shifted operations to Mumbai.

Storyboard18 brings you top five news updates from the world of advertising, marketing and business of brands.

Privacy Judgment and DPDP Act – Seven Markers

The Indian Space Research Organization alone has to fend off more than 100 hacker attacks every day. (Image: lianhao-qu via Unsplash)

Public policy expert Deepak Maheshwari writes the DPDPA is not a comprehensive privacy law even as it promises to push the envelope for privacy in the digital realm.