Creativeland Asia takes WinZO to court, cries foul over misuse of creative idea

The order copy stated that before a formal agreement could be entered into, WinZO (Respondent) has made an application for registration of the tagline “Jeeto Har Dinzo” in its name as a trademark.

  • Imran Fazal,
| March 5, 2025 , 2:05 pm
The advertising agency stated that they had also prepared a proposal for the purposes of carrying out a campaign of the respondent and has submitted material in relation to that effect.
The advertising agency stated that they had also prepared a proposal for the purposes of carrying out a campaign of the respondent and has submitted material in relation to that effect.

The Creativeland Advertising Private Limited has filed a law suit in Delhi High Court against WinZO games under Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. The creative agency has alleged that before a formal agreement could be made, WinZO made an application for registration of the tagline “Jeeto Har Dinzo” in its name as a trademark.

According to the Delhi High Court order copy (which is with Storyboard18), Creativeland Asia has claimed that WinZO approached the agency for a brand campaign and a Non-Disclosure Agreement was signed on 11.10.2024 which contains an arbitration clause. The order copy stated that before a formal agreement could be entered into, WinZO (Respondent) has made an application for registration of the tagline “Jeeto Har Dinzo” in its name as a trademark.

The advertising agency stated that they had also prepared a proposal for the purposes of carrying out a campaign of the respondent and has submitted material in relation to that effect.

The Delhi High Court order copy dated 24 February 2025, states that Creativeland Advertising Private Limited filed a law suit against WinZO Games to restrain them or any third party from using Confidential Information, including but not limited to the crux/root/substratum/hook line “Jeeto Har Dinzo” (and any variations thereof), and any other content of the First Pitch Deck, the Second Pitch Deck, and the Third Pitch Deck.

As per the order copy, Creativeland Asia further prays that WinZO be restrained from releasing any advertisement/campaign/communication, in any form or medium comprising of the above or any part thereof. The petitioner further states to not pursue the Impugned Trade Mark Applications in classes 41 and 35 bearing nos. 6810754 and 6810753 before the Trade Marks Registry as well as any other applications comprising of “Jeeto Har Dinzo” or any marks identical with or similar thereto until final determination of the present dispute.

Senior counsel appearing for WinZO stated in the court that the material in proposal is not being used by the respondent.

The Court gave a suggestion to both the parties that an arbitrator can be appointed to adjudicate upon the disputes between the parties and the learned Arbitrator can be requested to adjudicate the disputes. Both parties have agreed to the name of Justice Manmohan Singh, Former Judge of Delhi High Court, to act as the Arbitrator for adjudicating the disputes between the parties including trademark and apprehended copyright infringement.

The court also stated that looking at the fact that the purpose of the material in proposal was to be advertised in IPL-2025 which is to commence in the month of March, 2025 and the advertisements would be aired within a short period from now, learned Arbitrator is requested to treat this application under Section 9 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act as an application under Section 17 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act and adjudicate the same within a period of five days from date of order.

Storyboard18 reached out to Creativeland Asia and WinZO for a comment. The story will be updated when we receive an official statement.

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