As millions of pilgrims and tourists gather for the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, Blinkit has set up a temporary store to cater to their needs. Announcing the initiative on X, Blinkit’s CEO, Albinder Dhindsa, said, “We’ve opened a temporary Blinkit store at the Maha Kumbh Mela to serve pilgrims and visitors.”
The 100-square-foot store is strategically located to ensure fast delivery of essential items across key areas such as Arail Tent City, Dome City, ITDC Luxury Camp, and Devrakh. The store offers a variety of products, including pooja essentials, milk, curd, fruits, and vegetables, which can be used for personal needs or donations. Additionally, practical items such as power banks, chargers, towels, blankets, and bedsheets are available. Blinkit is also supplying bottles of Triveni Sangam Jal, the holy water from the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers.
The Maha Kumbh Mela, organised by the Uttar Pradesh government, is a globally renowned spiritual event. Held once every 144 years, this edition runs from 13 January to 26 February in Prayagraj.
Key bathing rituals, known as Shahi Snan, began on 14 January during Makar Sankranti, followed by Mauni Amavasya on 29 January and Basant Panchami on 3 February. According to PTI, nearly five crore people attended the event within the first two days. The Uttar Pradesh government expects a total footfall of 40 to 45 crore visitors throughout the event.
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) estimates that the Maha Kumbh Mela could generate revenue of Rs 1.2 lakh crore for Uttar Pradesh. Government forecasts suggest trade worth Rs 2 lakh crore if the expected 40 crore visitors spend an average of Rs 5,000 each. Both domestic and international businesses are seizing this opportunity to showcase their presence during this 45-day mega event, highlighting its immense economic potential.
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