Bookstrapping: The Power of One Thought – Master Your Mind, Master Your Life by BK Shivani

With various anecdotes, Sister Shivani talks about the fallacy of our impulsive reactions and how we never take responsibility for ourselves, ‘taking the remote control of our mind’ and handing it over to random individuals. (Image source: Amazon)

In The Power of One Thought – Master Your Mind, Master Your Life, the author, BK Shivani, touches upon step-by-step manual for using guided meditations, self-care techniques, personality development activities, reflection exercises and a lot more.

Bookstrapping: Through the broken glass by TN Seshan

TN Seshan is India’s own Ramon Magsaysay Award winner whose phone has not stopped ringing! And he picks it up himself!

The book discusses pertinent concerns about the conduct of political parties; do they function in accordance with their own party’s constitution? (the one they submit to the election commission at the time of registration. BookStrapping rating:3.5

Bookstrapping: Supermindful by Eliza Lay Ryan

A quote by Meryl Streep features in the book Supermindful. It reads, "I'm curious about people. That's the essence of my acting." Our reviewer thought that was impressive and insightful. (Image source: Amazon)

Supermindful by Eliza Lay Ryan is a book that attempts to teach readers to be not only creative but also has insights to be a better person. Bookstrapping rating: 3.5 Stars.

Bookstrapping: Just Aspire – Notes on Technology, Entrepreneurship and the Future By Ajai Chowdhry

One of the most insightful things in the book has to be Ajai’s reference to Harvard professor Harry Lewis’s indictment of the education system and its inability to focus on character building of the students as follows, “Universities have forgotten their larger role …rarely will you here more than promised about their personal strength, cooperation, compassion and how to leave the world a better place than you found it.” (Image source: Amazon)

In Just Aspire – Notes on Technology, Entrepreneurship and the Future, Ajai Chowdhry touches upon the concept of pen friends, references to Harvard professor Harry Lewis’s indictment of the education system and its inability to focus on students’ character building, and throws light on the real meaning of charity.

Bookstrapping: Anatomy of a Breakthrough – How to get unstuck when it matters most by Adam Alter

In the book, there is a part where the author explains, 'If we expect things to stay as they are, we’re poorly prepared to act when we find ourselves stuck. Hence, the first step in managing change is to anticipate it and prepare for it rather than experiencing each new instance as a fresh shock.'

In the book “Anatomy of a Breakthrough – How to get unstuck when it matters most”, the author Adam Alter has 100 tips on how to forge ahead. He explains how one must anticipate change and be prepared for it, and the best way to move forward in the long run is by tapping on the idea of pausing. Rating: 3.5

Bookstrapping: Outlive by Dr Peter Attia with Bill Gifford

A poor health span is characterised by cognitive decline, loss of physical function and loss of emotional health. Actions we take to improve health span, which is the vision for Medicine 3.0, will naturally increase lifespan as well. (Image source: Amazon)

In Outlive, the authors Dr Peter Attia and Bill Gifford touch upon the four ‘Horsemen’, characterisation of poor health followed by the myth surrounding the definition of the profession ‘Doctor’.

Bookstrapping: Surrounded by idiots by Thomas Erikson

The book stresses upon some of the useful tips on how to put teams together, which is dependant on which colour in the behavioural spectrum people belong to. (Image source: Amazon)

The book touches upon how most of us are a combination of two colours, and how communication happens on the terms of the listener. The author, Thomas Erikson also stresses upon the importance of body language, and how useful it is to learn how to deliver negative feedback. Rating: 3.5 Stars.

Bookstrapping: Say Anarcha by J C Hallman

It is portrayed by Dr. Sims that Anarcha disappeared. However, the author’s research reveals that even after being grossly violated, Anarcha lived on as a midwife, nurse, and “doctor woman.” (Image source: Amazon)

The writer of the book J C Hallman brings Anarcha Westcott alive, the violation she underwent at the hands of Dr J. Marion. Sims aka father of modern gynaecology, and the life Westcott led as a ‘doctor woman’ despite her sufferings.

Bookstrapping: The Extra Mile by Kevin Sinfield

The most important thing to note is that ‘The Extra Mile’ is not a book about rugby. It's a book about humanity, compassion and what you will do for someone who’s not as lucky as you are. (Image source: Amazon)

The Extra Mile by Kevin Sinfield is not an ordinary sports memoir. The book is about the Rugby icon, his outlook towards humanity, compassion, and true friendship. Rating: 3.5 Stars.