Bookstrapping: Rishi Sunak, The Rise by Michael Ashcroft

For a non-British reader, the narrative of Rishi Sunak’s work as Secretary of Treasury under senior British Pakistani politician Sajid Javid, their working equation and the torpedoing events that led him to eventually succeed the latter at No.11 Downing Street offers novel insights. (Image source of book: Amazon)

In the book, painting a flawless portrait of Rishi Sunak is probably the reason why readers will feel that ‘something is missing’. There is no mention of the classic follies of youth or the swagger of fat young paychecks. Bookstrapping Rating: 3 stars

Bookstrapping: India’s pathways to success by Ganesh Natarajan and Ejaz Ghani

The book is a placeholder for a period in time, for those seeking to make sense of India’s somewhat dawdling, often chaotic but determined journey post independence.

The simplicity and foundational nature of the arguments in the book are akin to your grandmother reminding you of truths too inconvenient to implement. Bookstrapping rating: 3.5 stars.

Bookstrapping: Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away

Another strategy to get better at quitting is to enlist a quitting coach, simply an outside observer to help us with the decisions. Think of that person you know, in a horrible job or a toxic relationship! Its plain to us that they should walk away, but they can't see it for themselves. (Image source: Amazon)

This book authored by Annie Duke is nothing less than a toolkit for mastering the skill of quitting and embracing it. Our reviewer Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta shares key highlights. Bookstrapping Rating: 3.5

Bookstrapping: The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

Who is Rick Rubin again? He's a music producer. He knows a thing or two about productivity, given that he has delivered countless hits, from Adele and Jay-Z to Neil Young.

Hey, all you marketing minds! Do you know how to make blazing creativity a ‘given’ rather than a difficult task? Author Rick Rubin points out that its entirely in your hands! And his book has one of the most minimalistic covers you have seen in a long time! BookStrapping Rating: 3.5 stars

Bookstrapping: The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human

Siddhartha Mukherjee manages to provide a detailed account of the cell as well as a wide-ranging emphasis on its evolving role in science and medicine. It truly is a remarkable lens of exploration and insight into what makes us human, into the emergent properties that constitute life!

The musicality and symphony of our body’s cellular structure is what Siddhartha Mukherjee’s The Song of The Cell is all about. This book completes his hattrick, after ‘The Emperor of All Maladies’ and ‘The Gene.’ Mukherjee keeps a wide lens, covering cellular therapy, the history of medicine, the politics of science and its interplay with our lives. Bookstrapping rating- 3.5 stars

Bookstrapping: Attention Span by Dr Gloria Mark

The book Attention Span by Dr Mark has interesting suggestions on how we can take control of our attention and find more success in our careers, says our reviewer. (Image: Amazon)

In the book, Attention Span, Dr Mark delves into the newly celebrated concept of ‘kinetic attention.’ She introduces a more balanced understanding of the rhythm between deep focus and less focused states, which may actually serve to make us happier and more productive in the long term. Bookstrapping Rating: 3.5 stars.

Bookstrapping: Ten books you must reach for in 2023

Our reviewer Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta puts together the ultimate reading list for all the book enthusiasts out there. (Representative Image: Patrick Tomasso via Unsplash)

From ‘A Lucky Man: The Memoirs of a Radio-wala’ by Mark Tully to Rachel Louise Snyder’s ‘Women We Buried, Women We Burned’, here’s your 2023 reading list.

Bookstrapping: A fresh plea for 2023 – Why you must read!

A thousand CEOs have asked me to talk with their teams on the reading habit, as they seek to foster a culture of lifelong learning in their organisations. What we must appreciate is that the benefits of reading are not necessarily intellectual alone. (Representative Image: kazuend via Unsplash)

Now most things worth reading are chargeable even online. Why not pick up a book?

Motilal Oswal Group’s Raamdeo Agrawal: Goodwill takes 25 years to build, but takes 25 minutes to destroy

EGF, and NLU will collaborate on various projects to analyze and discuss contemporary issues of public concern, and their legal implications and dialogue to exchange information contributing to the advancement of the gaming and technology sector.(Representative Image: Shoeib Abolhassani via Unsplash)

At the launch of ’10X your business’ written by JumboKing Foods MD Dheeraj Gupta, we caught up with Gupta and Motilal Oswal Group’s Raamdeo Agarwal to talk about collaborative growth and the power of franchising.

Bookstrapping: 10 must-read books released in 2022

We are specifically focussed on genres such as productivity, efficiency, psychology, science, biography and marketing. And of you missed the news about these books , we hope our column will serve as a reminder. (Representative Image: Amazon, The Morning Books Show)

Its time for that compelling compilation. Our year-end compilation of books is specifically focused on non-fiction and on genres such as productivity, efficiency, psychology, science, biography and marketing.